GForge 21.2 Released!

GForge v21.2 is primarily a bug fix release. You will notice that there aren’t that many tickets in this release because we continued to focus on core technologies (libraries, etc) that needed to be upgraded. Specifically, a lot of energy was focused on upgrading to Angular 1.6.

Highlights in GForge 21.2

  • OIDC Support – GForge now supports OIDC and works with SSO systems like Okta.
  • Site Search – When inside a project, the navbar search now allows a way for you to search outside the current project (i.e. across all your projects and their artifacts)
  • Reports – There’s a couple of new reports for Site Administrators including a Cron History and Audit Log Reports.
  • Site Administration – We’ve added data retention settings for purging cron history and activity log data.
  • Kanban – The user interface has been completely revamped when working with tickets in Kanban view.
  • SVN – There’s been a number of improvements. The most notable is we’ve improved the speed of SVN operations (especially repositories with a lot of files). Also for repositories using SSH we fixed an ACL issue.

The 21.2 ChangeLog will help you understand the changes you can expect.

Just a reminder for customers still running GForge Advanced Server (v6.4.5 and prior) we have officially dropped support as of October of 2020. We will still answer any support questions about older releases but we will not be providing any future code updates or patches. Please feel free to reach out to us for a free consultation on the planning and upgrade paths.

Check back soon as we’ll be sharing our plans for the rest of 2022!

Download GForge 21.2 Now!

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